One reader's rave

"Thanks for the newspaper with your book review. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with this terrific piece of writing. It is beautiful, complex, scholarly. Only sorry Mr. Freire cannot read it!" -- Ailene

Cassie Jaye, the day before I met her at the _Red Pill_ world premiere

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Labor Notes: Unions Are Beginning to Talk About Staving Off a Possible Coup

In addition to preparing for a possible general strike, let's hope unions are advising members of the advantages of voting in person for staving off even an attempt at a coup, as discussed here among other places: If it's already apparent by the end of Election Day who's won, legal interference with the vote will be preempted. And, despite what the Esquire article says, the health risk isn't great for most people, as it's no different from spending a few minutes in a supermarket.

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