One reader's rave

"Thanks for the newspaper with your book review. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with this terrific piece of writing. It is beautiful, complex, scholarly. Only sorry Mr. Freire cannot read it!" -- Ailene

Cassie Jaye, the day before I met her at the _Red Pill_ world premiere

Saturday, February 04, 2023

Going to the Source

Over thirty years ago, I was first made aware of the issue of sociogenic harm by an article in the magazine Anarchy, and most memorable was a quote from sexologist Joan Nelson describing her experience with it at the age of eight. In those pre-Web days, there was no easy way for me as a non-academic to find this account in its original context. But I was always curious about it, so recently I obtained the book in which it appears via an interlibrary loan. (I regret having to link to Amazon because it's not in the Powell's catalog.) The passage I'd seen quoted is the entirety of the personal reminiscence part of the paper in which it appears, but it does help to understand the context, which is that Nelson felt that readers should be aware of the personal motive behind her research. It should be noted that, despite this highly ethical rationale of full disclosure, Nelson was severely criticized for having shared her personal experience.

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