One reader's rave

"Thanks for the newspaper with your book review. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with this terrific piece of writing. It is beautiful, complex, scholarly. Only sorry Mr. Freire cannot read it!" -- Ailene

Cassie Jaye, the day before I met her at the _Red Pill_ world premiere

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

An Appeal from Political Prisoner Nelson Maatman

This was posted online yesterday: 

Dutch gay political activist Nelson Maatman has now spent 2 1/2 years in Mexican jail awaiting trial on frame-up charges, under atrocious conditions. He's recently released an update on his conditions.
Nelson was arrested as a result of a set-up by two corrupt NGOs, the Netherlands-based Free A Girl and the US-based Operation Underground Railroad run by con man Tim Ballard. Below Nelson's message, I'm appending images of an email leaked from Ballard's organization acknowledging entrapment behaviors on their part.
> 11th of October 2024, RVPO, Ciudad de México > > For the last couple of months I've been dating the most amazing guy. We have so much in common and the things we don't have in common I like even more. It's been a hard knock life for the both of us, but when I'm with him it feels like the whole world disappears including the hell hole we're in. > It's far from easy. We're both scarred by our difficult pasts, but together we're working on it. Recently however things have become impossible and it seems like absolutely nobody is helping us. > A while back my boyfriend - whom was living 3 doors down at the time - ‘accidentally’ go transfer to a new dormitory by prison administration. They moved him to the group cell in the dormitory for recidivists. Those are people whom are in jail for at least the third time in their life. Not cold-hearted sicarios, but the worst kind of street thugs live there. > It's my boyfriend's first time in prison for a relatively small crime when he was 18. He's not some tough gangster. He has learned to stand up for himself, but he's still a timid gay guy that even the prison admits is vulnerable in prison, and for that he legally has the right to protection. Protection he doesn't get. Protection we need. > > Things went to hell a few weeks ago. For some thoughts brought me my boyfriend - whom was already marked by several hits he took - the hit him several times in front of me and told me that if I didn't pay that they'd beat the shit out of him. I paid the extortionist and then I paid some more to get rid of them. > I bought my boyfriend a bunk in a relatively quiet part of the group cell so he'd be safer, more comfortable and we'd have a place to hang out. I waited to visit so he could settle, but soon things went wrong again. A guy in one of the bunks below him falsely accused my boyfriend of stealing a radio. My boyfriend has a large history of false accusation and and as a gay guy in a homophobic ‘Catholic’ country ALWAYS got screwed over. > I didn't want to risk his safety or for him to end up in punishment. From my own experience I know how bad it is down there. I've often called it “worse than Guantanamo”, that should give you an image. > I paid to replace the radio, I paid to have the accuser moved out, and I paid for protection. I decided it was time to let my presence be known since I have a lot of rep in other parts of the prison. I paid the mafia for my right to visit and to get their ‘blessing’. > Despite the roaches and smell of death rat, his bunk turned into a little slice of heaven for us to hang out, smoke, talk, kiss, but it didn't last long. Things got weird quick. > My boyfriend started talking about how I should break up with him because he was supposedly no good for me. They found the real thief, but didn't give us back our money. And I was getting sick of the amount of favors and gifts the mafioso kept demanding. That was just the first day. > The second day my boyfriend acted distant, but initially wouldn't tell me why. At the end of the day as it was getting close for me to leave he finally broke and told me they were forcing him to extort me, but that he didn't want to. They had a used condom and wanted to force him to file a rape complaint if I didn't pay. > > No, yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but do realize that I'm already being held for two and a half years for HUMAN TRAFFICKING and drug trade without trial, without evidence and without the possibility of a defense against a crime I obviously didn't commit. > With the Mexican Government against me a condom with my sperm and a forced or made up victim declaration. I could easily be looking at several extra years of pre trial detention. And what about my boyfriend his safety? > > I didn't have a choice. I paid to get the condom and faked breaking up with my boyfriend, publicly accusing him of extortion to stop the actual extortion. Obviously I didn't formally accuse him of extortion and it's with his knowledge and consent. Secretly we're still seeing each other in other parts of the prison. > > The prison and my embassy - his embassy sucks - are aware of the situation and have promised to take appropriate action. They haven't done anything at all. I communicate with them daily and they keep telling us ‘not to worry’. > We're in danger come on broke, underweight and starving. Nobody helps. > > Nobody helps mainly because apparently two guys who love each other is something horrible. More horrible than the systematic torture that goes on in this prison, or the trafficking of transforming for sex. > > Please somebody send help or at least some money so we can eat! Stop looking away. > > Nelson Maatman > > 11th of October 2024

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