I get rather aggravated with all the focus in the news on the question of whether Salman Abedi "acted alone" or in coordination with ISIS. I mean, it's pretty obvious that he acted under their social influence, whether or not there was practical coordination.
Okay, I understand there's a short-term concern that there might be more incidents, and understanding whether there was an actual conspiracy in this case could help prevent them. But I feel this is distracting people from the more important question. Someone's practically coordinating with ISIS isn't a prerequisite to their committing highly destructive acts like this; but their being under its social influence is. So, could we please have some discussion of how and why some people come under the influence of a group like this, and how it might be prevented?
For BBC listeners, there was a story this morning about the Prevent program in the UK, which is aimed at preventing Muslim youth from being fanaticized (a term I prefer to "radicalized," since one can be socially and politically radical without being violent). It was claimed that this has been successful in many cases, but also that some think such a program can make people in the targeted community feel stigmatized.
There could be some truth to both of these statements. But, even allowing that it may have done some good, I think focusing only on one community is a mistake, for two reasons. First, acts of mass violence come from people of all backgrounds, for various (stated) ideological motives or none at all. Think Sandy Hook, or abortion clinic bombers. Although they may seem to have little to do with Manchester, there's evidence that people who commit such acts tend to have similar psychological profiles. In many cases, even when an act is committed in the name of Islam, it's done by a convert who appears to have a sketchy knowledge of the religion. This suggests that, rather than being the actual cause of such actions, religious beliefs are often an ad hoc explanation latched onto by someone driven by demons they don't understand themselves. So, if you have a program aimed exclusively at preventing Muslim youth from becoming fanaticized, you're failing to protect non-Muslims who are equally at risk of recruitment by cults (Islamic or otherwise) and, for that matter, probably failing to help Muslim youth resist recruitment by non-Islamic cults as well.
And, of course, the other problem is that such a program may in fact make someone feel stigmatized based on their cultural and religious background and have a boomerang effect.
Let's instead recognize that cultism fundamentally isn't about doctrine, but social psychology. Especially under certain sorts of life circumstances, people become susceptible to psychological manipulation by whichever abusive group they're unlucky enough to come across. This is mainly a matter of situation rather than innate disposition; saying there must be something wrong with someone because they joined a cult is like saying there must be something wrong with someone because they stepped in quicksand. Cults can reference any religious tradition, be theologically orthodox or heterodox, or may reference a non-religious ideology (my own adolescent experience was with a political cult, for instance).
The life circumstances that are conducive to cult recruitment are typically those in which a person has limited social ties, such as because of a life transition. Much as outreach efforts are sometimes made to people who are visibly homeless, it would behoove us similarly to try and identify and reach out to those who are socially homeless, so to speak.
There's the cliche of rural communities' bringing pies to newcomers, but this kind of thing doesn't seem to usually happen any more, at least where I've lived. I learned about my neighborhood association from signs posted in advance of the annual Memorial Day potluck; at the potluck, which always includes a membership meeting, various activities are mentioned, but welcoming new neighbors with a visit hasn't been one of them.
What if every neighborhood or block association regularly visited every resident and tried to engage them in community activities that are meaningful as well as fun? If people who have difficulty making social connections on their own initiative are approached proactively in this way, it might greatly reduce the dange rof their being drawn into a manipulative group that will at best exploit them and keep them isolated, and at worst may lead them to engage in (self-)destructive violence. This is something that government could actively promote and even subsidize where necessary.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Manchester and the Problem of Social Homelessness
Posted by
5:06 PM
Labels: cult
Friday, May 19, 2017
Green Party of Philadelphia's Statement on Primary Election Results
Friday, May 19, 2017
Green Party of Philadelphia's Statement on Primary Election Results

With preliminary results of the 2017 Primary Election now in, and
given the Democratic Party's stranglehold on our city's politics, it is
clear that Larry Krasner will be Philadelphia's next District Attorney.
It is the Green Party of Philadelphia's hope that Krasner will abandon
the longstanding pattern of corruption established by our city's elected
officials, as most recently exemplified by our present District
Attorney, Seth Williams.
The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) calls upon Krasner, if elected District Attorney, to bring an end to a criminal justice system that criminalizes poverty and race while letting white-collar corporate crimes go unpunished. The Green Party recognizes that Krasner's platform includes many reforms which are in line with our party's key values, and we hope that he honors these pledges in office, specifically:
The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) calls upon Krasner, if elected District Attorney, to bring an end to a criminal justice system that criminalizes poverty and race while letting white-collar corporate crimes go unpunished. The Green Party recognizes that Krasner's platform includes many reforms which are in line with our party's key values, and we hope that he honors these pledges in office, specifically:
*** In a city that is 43% African American, the Green Party calls for a District Attorney who reflects the truth that "Black lives matter" not only in his rhetoric, but also in his actions.
In a city where (according to the ACLU of Pennsylvania) 25% of
pedestrian stops by police are made without reasonable suspicion and 80%
of those pedestrians are people of color, the Green Party calls for a
District Attorney who will push for an end to stop-and-frisk and who
will refuse to bring cases resulting from these illegal, racist
Only a few weeks after Philadelphia police arrested 22 people in
Frankford for marijuana, the Green Party calls for an end to the failed
War on Drugs and for the legalization of drug possession.
Only days after Philadelphians raised nearly $58,000 for the "Mama's
Bail Out Day" campaign, the Green Party calls for the elimination of a
cash bail system that is designed to keep low-income people behind bars.
Finally, the Green Party calls for a District Attorney who will never
pursue the death penalty – a barbaric practice that brings neither
closure nor healing, but only more pain and victims.
In addition to restoring the idea of "justice" to our criminal justice system, Philadelphia's next District Attorney must guarantee voters' right to fair elections. We witnessed an astonishing attack of this right in March's special election in PA House District 197, which was rampant with election fraud and voter intimidation.The Green Party demands that the next District Attorney continues the investigation into the special election and takes concrete steps to ensure election integrity.
Finally, we must highlight the urgent need for electoral reform as demonstrated by this election.
In addition to restoring the idea of "justice" to our criminal justice system, Philadelphia's next District Attorney must guarantee voters' right to fair elections. We witnessed an astonishing attack of this right in March's special election in PA House District 197, which was rampant with election fraud and voter intimidation.The Green Party demands that the next District Attorney continues the investigation into the special election and takes concrete steps to ensure election integrity.
Finally, we must highlight the urgent need for electoral reform as demonstrated by this election.
Krasner won the primary with 38% of the vote, representing only 6% of
the city's registered voters. A system where a candidate can win office,
despite only a minority of voters casting their ballots for him, is an
insult to democracy. Therefore, the Green Party calls for Instant Runoff
Voting (IRV), where voters rank candidates in their order of preference
and a candidate only wins if they obtain majority support.
We must also acknowledge the legalized bribery that is our campaign
finance system. Total spending in this election is expected to double
what was spent in Philadelphia's last competitive primary for District
Attorney. Indeed, Krasner's campaign was supported both by grassroots
efforts and by a super PAC funded by George Soros; we hope that his
actions as District Attorney will be influenced by the people of
Philadelphia and not by an outside billionaire. Therefore, the Green
Party calls for the full public financing of elections and for stricter
limits on campaign spending and contributions.
The Green Party is an independent political party founded on the four pillars of grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice. For information about the Green Party of Philadelphia, please call 215-843-4256 or emailgpop@gpop.org. Follow us on Twitter at @GreenPartyofPHL and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GreenPartyOfPhiladelphia.
The Green Party is an independent political party founded on the four pillars of grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice. For information about the Green Party of Philadelphia, please call 215-843-4256 or emailgpop@gpop.org. Follow us on Twitter at @GreenPartyofPHL and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GreenPartyOfPhiladelphia.
Posted by
7:37 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
Quantico Scaremongers Against Popular Sovereignty
This week's season-penultimate episode of Quantico promulgated a typical elitist dread of radical democracy by painting a Constitutional Convention as something scary that an authoritarian villain would use to get his way. I posted this to their Facebook page:
Very disappointed at your antidemocratic scaremongering about a Constitutional Convention. The Framers had the unprecedented wisdom to realize they couldn't anticipate the needs of future generations, and so incorporated procedures for amendment into their document -- piecemeal through submission by Congress but also, when time came for a thorough overhaul, through submission by a Convention called by Congress. Your script falsely suggests such a Convention might change the Constitution behind the country's back, when in reality nothing it proposes would become law unless ratified by three-fourths of the states, making majority popular support a prerequisite. Further, while Congress -- not the President -- is charged with setting the rules, it's politically inevitable they would call fresh elections for the delegates to such a convention. The whole procedure concretizes the principle stated in the Declaration of Independence: "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such forms, as shall to them seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." This is the revolutionary-democratic idea at the founding of our country -- yet you find it not inspiring, but scary? And it's noteworthy that, while you portray this mechanism of popular sovereignty as the machination of a Trump-manquee villain, in real life it's not Trump, but the left-wing Justice Democrats who are calling for it in their platform. (If you haven't heard of them, they're the faction seeking to primary all corporatist Democrats in Congress and replace them with progressives.) For more information on the Article V Convention and why it's not only politically but legally overdue, check out Friends of the Article V Convention.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Thursday, May 04, 2017
As a Survivor of a Political Cult Myself, I Had to Watch This Video
As a survivor of a political cult myself, I had to watch this video when I saw it on YouTube: BAMN Are A Violent Cult
descriptions are chillingly reminiscent of what I've heard about other
groups, and some of what I experienced in my own. (In fact I'd already
heard of the cult-within-the-cult, the RWL, and knew it was
ultra-sectarian, so the connection came as no surprise.) There's a private
website on WordPress called Secret Survivors of BAMN, and I've submitted
a request for access to its administrator. Below is the written version
of the video, which includes a link to the private group:
As is quoted from one of the ex-members, like other political cults BAMN either turns people into "drones" incapable of autonomous political thought or action, or tends to burn them out and make them give up on activism altogether. Hence it is both personally and politically destructive.
Posted by
9:05 PM
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